Until While this is still well-known in the province a dance called Ja'i. This dance originated from the island of Flores, ethnic Ngada - Bejawa. The word "Ja'i" is derived from the ethnic Ngada which means dance.
This dance is celebrated for the joy of life and independence of spirit kemualiaan. This dance was held in the middle of the courtyard of the village called "Wewa Nua" which is used as a sacred place of worship. The place is also space for the musicians Gong- drum (go-profit) as a dance Ja'i.
Gratitude rituals performed society after completing the traditional house (rite Sa'o Ngaza) which consists of a unit which is characterized by Ja'i village to worship the Almighty (Milk keri asa Kae).

               Music sounded from inside the traditional house which was then moving towards the village courtyard and the dancing is done by a homeowner with a fully dressed ethnic customs Ngada - bejawa which is inherited from ancestors such as silver, gold and heirloom weapons. Ja'i dance presentation ceremony Ngaza Sa'o teridir of 5 pieces Gong and 1 set of drum or drums. Patterns of rhythm and tempo was heard static and monotonous from the beginning till the end, but there are some variations from the mouth of the dancers in the form of shouts and pounding rhythmic foot.

Dance implementation Ja'i Sa'o ceremony Ngaza sebgai form a unifying, binding kinship in the community.
Philosophical meaning of Sa'o Namely:
·         Appearance of ancestral derivatives / go weka da dela
·         Safety cage / kodo sua
·         Blanket of warmth / Lawo ine
·         Abode / Ghubu mu kaja Maza
The public are invited to recall an event that has happened in the past of lineage or hierarchy (Woe).
Establishment custom home Sa'o institutionalized and closely related to the ancestors Ngadhu (symbol male - male) and bhaga (symbol of women) as well as the next heir in the coming period.
               Ja'i dance is highly developed in the entire area of ​​NTT without notice ritual function. a shift function ja'i ethnic dance bejawa with modern ja'i. Kalu we see Ja'i already modern, from the shape of the music is no longer using the traditional tools but using modern instruments already, as well as the movements are so varied and clothes were already undergoing modernization.
The shift function is due to the development of social and cultural life of the community, mingled with some ethnic and influence of globalization. The Social Phenomenon of some ethnic groups tend to influence each other resulting in a cultural renewal. Ja'i development is not far off from the local artists who tried to introduce the dance ja'i. This Ja'i development can we see the dance Ja'i in some arts festival, a shuttle VIPs and several receptions or weddings NTT good, Manggarai, Kupang, Bejawa, Ende, Maumera and Others.